Quote: Disconnect people can never be whole. Vulnerable and painful though it may be, a community of people whose lives are tied together by the tender strings of the heart is life the way God meant it to be lived. Beth Moore
This quote from our homework leaped off the page and put a knot on my head!
So this got me thinking............
It is the “vulnerable and painful” part that keep people from connecting. Most of us understand that side of it. It is inevitable that once you do connect to people, the potential for pain is there because of our human side. This blog is about the flip side.
What would cause a community of people (friends) to walk together with minimal pain?
Can it be accomplished? I personally believe it can!
John 15:13 Comes to mind: Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.
Outside the thought, that I would lay down my physical life for someone, is the following thought. Will I lay down my life in the sense of, my desires, my preferences, my very self, for a friend?
Laying down myself means “myself” doesn’t matter. I will be unoffendable (is that a word?), nonjudgmental, honest and trustworthy. I can love friends for who they are, flaws and all. I can be truly joyful if they receive things that I don’t have, if they have more or less then I do. The jealousy monster cannot rise up. Remember I am laying MY life down!
Can you imagine a community of people who “lay down their life for each other”? I can!
Can you imagine the impact it would make for the world looking in trying to find something authentic? I can! I believe it can happen.
Last thought: If you look at the verses above John 15:13, you see foremost, I must be connected to Jesus (the vine) which will cause me to bear much fruit. I must obey His commands which will cause me to remain in His love. Vs. 12 says: Love each other as I have loved you. Connection with Jesus, IS the prerequisite to connection with people. There is no way around it!
Only when these words leave the pages of the bible and enter into our hearts as revelation, will we be able to experience connection the way God intended.
I am up for the challenge! Will you join me?