I have had this blog in the making for a few weeks, but had a hard time finishing it. Expectations are such a touchy subject. We need to have some expectations, but unmet expectations can destroy relationships. Where is the balance?
So it got me thinking..............
Why do we get disappointed in people?
Why do we often run instead of stick things out?
Why do we get disappointed when “some person” can’t fix us? (our problems)
When our heart hurts because of unmet expectations that we have placed on someone, we desire our “hurt heart” to heal ASAP! No one likes to hurt. Then, we can begin to live out of that hurt. We pursue harder and harder “expecting” someone will help us. When that doesn’t happen, we are disappointed in that person, begin to pursue another, and/or run! The cycle can be unending.
So what is the alternative? Seek God above all else, give Him your hurt (no really, give it to Him and don’t take it back), and give Him time to heal the wound. In the mean time, keep walking in love and service to others. Don’t put expectations on others that will only lead to disappointment. God never meant for someone other then Himself to “fix us”. He is a jealous God. He wants all of us, depending on Him!
There is only one that will always meet our expectations as long as they line up with His word. God.
I expect Him to walk through my hurt with me, because He said He would. I must seek Him before “a person” and give Him TIME to heal me. In our impatience , we seek out people to fix us, only to be disappointed, because God wants us to come to Him.
Don’t hear what I am NOT saying. We need each other! We need to encourage each other as we walk out life. God asks us to love each other, not fix each other; Not be disappointed because our expectations of each other are not met.
When you look at others, see what God values in them, not the things that need to be fixed. That is God’s job! Give him time to work, while we have grace!
Our job: Seek God always, at all times! (good and hard times) When we hurt, take some extra time, run to him, sit in a quiet place, spend time with Him and in His word. Put your Ipod in your ear filled with praise. Give your wound time to heal, knowing that God is doing the complete healing. Then continue to walk in love with people as the healing takes place.
As we all know.........It’s a choice!!