Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Easy or Empowered?

As I glanced at my home page this morning and scrolled down a little, I saw this caption “Easy or Empowered?”.   It had absolutely nothing to do with the Christian life, actually It had to do with something totally void of Christain values.  But...........  it got me thinking?

Do you (I) want to live an easy life or an empowered life?

Just “existing” in this life is the easy way to live.   Making it through the day by day grind of life, isolating oneself , giving up as soon as we make a mistake, or giving up when a relationship gets difficult.   An easy life sounds easy, but it produces no fruit.   We must live an empowered life to be able to produce the fruit..... love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. (the things that make life enjoyable!)  

“Empowered living” is given to us by God through the Holy spirit.   It is the “enabling’ to function at a level that is beyond ourselves.

An empowered life allows us to learn by our mistakes and keep trying until we get it right.  

The empowered life is not always easy, but it’s one of great joy, incomprehensible peace, intimacy with our Father, and rest for our souls.

An empowered life is accompanied by joy and peace that transcends our circumstances and is often in spite of circumstances.  God has promised to go through tough spots with us. He has given us the honor of serving Him. 

When we trust Him by faith and make Him our all in all, life carries a joy and richness that only comes from the empowered life, but can be lost when we make life all about us and the passing things of this world.

I have lived both ways.    The empowered life takes more effort....... seeking God above all else , studying His word, applying the truth to our lives, but it’s the only way to fully live!

Easy or Empowered?  Choose!


1 comment:

  1. Umm, okay I quit. You are so fabulous and full of wisdom- you take over the blog!! (I enjoyed the post BTW) I have many a day when I want to trade in our life for the easy one. But then I remember I don't want to be normal and am thankful for the path God has put in front of us, because it truly is one of EMPOWERMENT. God is good. All the time.
