Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The "One Thing" Extended (and top ten)

What up peeps... well, I was thinking about my top ten today since it is Tuesday and all.  I so appreciated Pastor Jimmy's message on Sunday about the "One Thing".  I had already been thinking about that in light of this new year.  It seems so cliche, but the answer to every problem really is Jesus and knowing Him more.  

It never fails... when Chris and I are meeting with couples getting married (or anyone else I ever meet with for that matter), every answer we arrive at no matter what the issue or problem always comes back down to having a relationship with God.  The more you know Him, the better you are.  Period.  Want to be a better mother?  Know Him more.  Want to have a better marriage?  Know Him more.  Need direction and purpose for your future?  Know Him more. Need to be healthier? Know Him more.  Need things to change in any other areas of your life?  Know Him more.  It seems like the Sunday School answer to say, but if we can get that right, every area of our life will improve and flourish. There is a reason the Bible says to "seek first the kingdom of God" so that the other things we're spending our time focusing/worrying on will be added to us.  If we stay connected to the vine (Jesus) and know what kind of tree we are (identity), we will consequently bear the right fruit at the right time, causing us to be healthy and flourishing little trees!  

That being said,  I think it is still good to sit down and evaluate where you are now and where you want to be in the new year.  Not necessarily making a list of unrealistic things you will abandon, but looking ahead with eyes of faith and believing God to get you somewhere this year.  As you focus on your One Thing, seeing things about your life improve as a result of that. You should do it for yourself, for your marriage if you're married, and for your family.  We like to take time so sit down and talk together about what we would like to accomplish and set goals for our family, parenting, finances, and relationships.  The truth of the matter is that this year you will certainly be moving in a direction.  If you are intentional and seek God with your whole heart, you will move forward.  If you do nothing, expect nothing, not care, or want to just stay the same you will still move, but you will not go in a direction you want to move in.  We never just stay the same- we are always one step better or one step worse.  So I want to stir your faith and expectations for 2009.  To be honest, there are things coming my way to distract and even discourage us to look to the new year.  I have been tempted to be down and feel defeated, and have had my moments, but I refuse to let my hope diminish even though my circumstances in certain areas are not looking very favorable.  With God, all things are possible!  

Sooo, that brings me to the top ten today.  This is an interactive top ten.  Maybe you didn't post Christmas pictures like I asked, maybe you don't give feedback or comment like I ask, but if I could ask you to do anything I am asking you to do this.  I want us to all think about things we're believing God for and share some of them so we can all be believing God together for each other.  I want you to celebrate the areas you've seen improvement in and think about some things you'd like to see God do in you this new year.  You don't have to get too personal or anything, but I would really like to see us stick our faith out there by voicing some of those things in our hearts and then celebrating together when God brings those things to pass.  Another good thing about sharing some things is that we become accountable to each other so when life starts to get in the way of what we felt strongly in our hearts we needed to do we have each other to help stay on track.  I know I need that in my own life.  That's what I made this blog for- to help us stay connected, especially when we're not meeting.  So even if it's just one thing (besides your One Thing), put it out there!  

Some things I'm believing God for in 2009:
  1. To finally get rid of our debt.  (have been working on this forever, we're believing this is our year to put it behind us for good and never get there again)
  2. To write music (also a long time coming/prophesied, but this is my now time!)
  3. To have more structure and organization in our home (praise God this is already better, but I want it even better!)
  4. To be more intentional about discipling my children in the Kingdom ( no, I did not say discipline, but isn't it interesting how close those words are...safe to say it takes a lot of discipline to be a good disciple??)
  5. To have the most amazing marriage on the planet.  (I already do, but if we don't work even more, it will not stay the most amazing marriage on the planet)
  6. To be better at maintaining relationships 
  7. To be better about documenting our life (cause I'm already forgetting what I don't want to forget)
  8. To have 15 hours of Pilates (to help with the goal of #1, and also to help more people change their life for the better)
  9. To have a potty trained toddler (this might take more faith than most of the list, but also the closest to coming true! - hey you need at least one that will happen quickly, right?)
  10. To expand and indulge in my love of the arts more.  That includes learning to sew (umm Jenna), do more writing, actually scrapbooking, and many more crafty artsy things.  It's who I am, and when I remove that part of me because I don't have time or feel it's not important, I am less of me.  Partly the reason I feel #2 is having a hard time.  To write music, you actually need to write.  Got really sad/ bewildered the other day when I came across multiple journals of poetry and life from years ago.  Who is that?  Just because I am a mother, wife, and almost 30 does not mean this part of me should cease to exist.  In fact I will be better at those things when I am fully alive and connected to who God made me to be, and to carve time out for me to do it.  (quite a tangent, but I felt like someone else needed permission to do that, too.)
(Not really a list-making goal, but we are possibly looking to add to our family by the end of next year.  No, I'm not pregnant.  No, I won't be for a while.  As in, a year from now I might be pregnant.)

I'll be honest- even writing some of those things out I felt a little fear and doubt creep in.  Like a little bit of yeah, you wish. But if I can't believe that God can make all things new then what can I believe in?  I love you guys.  My life has been better this year in part because of you.  What are you believing for 2009??

Much love,

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tuesday Top Ten #1

From our fabulous Robbye Benningfield:

  1. My family is amazing
  2. My spiritual family is amazing
  3. My dad is recovering nicely after open heart surgery, that is by far the best gift this year
  4. I adore my husband after 27 years of marriage... he makes me happy and giddy
  5. Being able to set up facebook all by myself........ yipeeee
  6. God has brought me two friends this year that have been right under my nose all these years....His timing is perfect
  7. God is allowing me to grow, even at the ripe old age of 52..... so glad He is never done with us
  8. I love that most of my family goes to the same church and we worship together each week
  9. Realizing peace and joy are a choice......... I choose joy and peace in this holiday season
  10. I bought the Nativity Story...... movie for Dusti and I to start a tradition

Yay for Robbye.  We love her.   You are lucky because you get two top tens today.  I know, try and contain yourself.  

Tuesday Top Ten #2

 I will have many more pictures to add, especially after sharing with all of our wonderful families, but these are my top ten favorite holiday pictures so far.  

Love my peace, hope, and joy ornaments!

Doing the advent wreath this year has been so fun

She loved all of the displays (but not Santa)

Reading our new Christmas book, Happy Birthday Jesus, for night night

Very carefully hanging ornaments

Blurry, but sweet

Also blurry but also sweet (taken right after she refused to sit in Santa's lap)

It was so cute that he whispered in Santa's ear what he wanted

Just me and my boy enjoying some hot chocolate

How sweet... No no Cadence!- we don't put the lights in our mouth (true story)

I have this great idea-  why don't you guys post up some of your favorite pics from Christmas?  I would love to see what Santa brought everyone or any other fun things from the holiday.  If you are not already an author, I can resend the invitation I sent a while back so you can post right to the blog.  Peace to all of my joy seeking friends today.  Have a Christmelicous day! (like that word?)

Love ya- Kacee

Monday, December 22, 2008

Just do it!

Just Do It!

It is so ironic how we complicate simple things!

Are you depressed?  Ps. 3:3 Oh, Lord, you are a shield for me, my glory, the lifter of my head.

Decide to lift up your head and eyes and look at the possibilities, not the problem.

Just do it!

Are you anxious and worried?  Ps. 86:7 In the day of trouble, I will call on You, for you will answer me.

Be anxious for nothing.

Just do it!

Are you compromising?  Ps. 119:2  Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are they who keep His testimonies, and who seek, inquire for and of Him and CRAVE him with the whole heart.

Seek Him with all your heart.

Just do it!

Are you Weary?  Stir up your courage, muster your strength, rise up with the Truth of God’s Word.

Just do it!

Are you tempted?  James 4:7  So be subject to God.  Resist the devil (stand firm against him), and he will flee from you.

Just do it!

When you are in the “time of trial” don’t focus on where you are right now ( in the moment).  You may be out in the ocean with the storm raging, BUT you will get to the other side!   Don’t Jump overboard!

Think and speak about your future in a positive way according to what God has placed in your heart------not according to what you have seen in the past or are seeing now in the present.   He has a great future for you.

Believe it and confess it!    Just do it!

Am I , myself, pertect at this? NOT!    Am I working at it daily? Harder than I ever have in my life.   Am I seeing the results ?    Absoluetly!    

No excuses! Just do it!      

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hey, I am just being Real!

More than likely you have heard someone say this or have said it yourself.   Innocent enough right!

Definition of Real:   not imitation or artifical, genuine

Sounds great?    but..........

Definition of Authentic:  in a way that faithfully resembles an original

Whoa!  Hold it!   Do I want to be real or authentic?

Real people say whatever comes to their mind.   “Being Real” is according to our own beliefs.  It can be different for different people.

Authentic people think before they speak.   They resemble the original (Christ).

Will my words encourage someone? (Authentic)


Will I tear someone down under the cover of “just being real”.

As a Christ Follower.............That which comes out of my mouth should be authentic------only that which would resemble Jesus( the original)

Not sure what that is?     Start with  I Corinthians 13:   Love is patient and kind, is not jealous, is not rude, does not insist on its own way, is not touchy, pays no attention to a suffered wrong.    

You may Say:  “I am just being Real, I don’t know how else to be.”

The answer is:  Be authentic!

Just semantics? ........... Perhaps...............Something to think about!

Authentically yours,


PS.  This was inspired by one of our last studies (I think Lisa Bevere).   This point has always such with me!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday Top Ten

 I will let Ruth post the next amazingly profound and spiritual post.  I'm sure you'd like me to take a break.

Things making me happy today:
  1. Coffee
  2. The fiber optic snowman in my living room
  3. The smell of cinnamon
  4. Being in the new Pilates studio that is so gorgeous
  5. Thinking about my anniversary tomorrow
  6. Comfy sweats
  7. My new pink phone (much cooler than my other pink phone)
  8. Baby Emma that goes potty that came in the mail today (and the DVD Potty Power, and the book Potty Train Your Child in a Day.... can you tell what is about to go on at my house?)
  9. It's cold outside
  10. Harry Connick Jr.'s new Christmas Album (which I am now freely listening to after my sobering day Sunday)
Actually the thought of #8 doesn't make me that happy (the work involved), but the doll did because she's cute and I am taking her out of the box while Cadence is sleeping to play with her.  Do any of you with more than one child ever think, how could I possibly not remember what I did with the first one concerning  ________ ?(fill in the blank).   I thought that's the reason I journaled and scrapbooked, etc....  oh wait- I am really crappy about keeping up those things and times like these make me really want to kick myself in the face about that.  Oh well.  Plus Cadence is just a totally different animal with some things.  Potty training is one of them. The more I'm thinking about this, the more I'm not so happy anymore.  So I'm going to stop. 

And of course you make me happy today :)  

Love ya,

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Looking Back to Move Forward

So it's crazy how cold it's gotten tonight- we went from like 80 this afternoon to now, who knows, like 30 or something?  And the wind.  Wow.  As I was hearing the wind howling through my roof and realizing how much the temperature has dropped, it got me to thinking.  Don't you just wish sometimes things could blow in and out so quickly like that wind?  Like sickness or stress. Or things we don't want to deal with like family members or friends who we wish would just get a clue.  Like we could just blink and it's gone.  

I realized that I have actually done that in my life at times.  Not that those things disappeared, but I just closed my eyes and pretended they weren't there anymore, thinking that I was moving on.  I'll be the first to admit that in my quest for peace, I am sometimes guilty of choosing to overlook the things in my life that are not neat and tidy, things that require me to feel emotions that are not pleasant and good.  And that's where I am tonight.  I intended on nothing other than putting on my headphones and playing the sweet new Harry Connick Jr. Christmas album I purchased with an iTunes gift card I won at my stafff party.  1) My kids were driving me up the wall and I felt like I deserved a nice snuggle with myself on the couch after they went to bed with my music and a nice hot cup of mint tea. (I still believe I deserve this and am doing that minus the Christmas music)   2) I have been trying so hard to be intentional this year about staying in the Christmas spirit because I love this time of the year so much.  And I've been somewhat successful with this.  So I wanted to be all Christmas-y tonight.  But I can't.

Earlier I got a call from my mom and she was telling me about the brother some of you know about who is falling on hard times right now.  She was tearfully relaying the latest drama in his life and is sick with concern for him.  Like a his-life-is-hanging-in-the-balance kind of concern his past has proven to be a valid concern.   It is so hard for me sometimes to keep my compassion levels high for him, because he just frustrates the heck out me.  He cycles through these same patterns having the knowledge deep down that he could be better.   He just went off the deep end when my mom and step dad got a divorce, and he's been attempting to claw his way back ever since.  Five years in the making.  And as sad as it is to admit, even when his life was in question I was fighting these feelings of frustration and borderline anger.  Do you have those people in your life who you have been there/ done that with times twenty?  Then track with me for a minute and see where I'm going with this.   And I've been in contact with him more in this recent season than any other time and we've had some good conversations.  But then things happen and I feel like anything I'm saying and doing on his behalf is completely in vain (I know deep down it's not but it's still so frustrating).  And so the story goes.  And you know what I'm talking about.  

But tonight was different.  It started with a song I was listening to that Chris and I are singing at his brother's wedding in January called "Faithful One".  The song was so beautiful and I was very moved thinking about how faithful God has been to me and how amazing He is.  How He's brought me through so much and taken me so far from where I was.   I was transported back in time to this 18 year old teenager looking at Lubbock in her rear view mirror through tears as she drove off to college.  I distinctly remember how that girl felt- leaving so much behind, and wanting to leave it and move on.  Feeling like I was starting my life over.  I ran really hard and did not look back.  I didn't need to.  There were things that would have tried to draw me back in if I had been looking back for even one second.  I became a completely different person.  Thanks much in part to my now husband and his family who helped nurture and grow me in a new found identity and spirit filled life.  And the rest is history.  

The song starts out with the lyrics "I find no hope within to call my own.  For I am frail of heart, my strength is gone.  But deep within my soul is rising up a song.  Here in the comfort of the faithful one."  Who knows where I would be if it weren't for the people God placed in my path to help lead me to freedom in Him.  And people like my precious dad and stepmom praying for me all the while from a far without me even knowing, that I would choose the path God placed before me.  Maybe I would be like my brother, seemingly without hope and feeling like he's in a dark pit he cannot crawl out of.   We came out of the same home.  I don't deserve the life I have and the favor and blessing God has poured out on me.  None of us do.  What did we do? I just chose God.  In His goodness He drew me in and made the path before me clear.  And I decided to walk down it and not look back.  Until now.  

Thus my title, "Looking back to move forward".  I wouldn't be writing all of this tonight if I didn't feel like this would speak to someone else.  I wouldn't do this blog at all if I didn't feel that way.   I feel like I am at a place in my life where I'm stronger in my faith than I've ever been, healthier spiritually than I've ever been, and just coming into a good season of life.  And as I've been thinking about the new year, I've been determining in my heart to move forward in Him and go onto what He has for us.  We have been blessed, but there are also things we are choosing to believe we're laying down and leaving behind us.  I have been so filled with hope and joy in thoughts of the new year.  But in the midst of all of this forward thinking and hope and expectancy of what's to come, something strange has been going on in our house.  Chris and I both have had some things randomly out of the past come up, things we haven't thought about or even remembered in some cases. And in my case, things I'm walking through with my family that are not fun.   As I was trying to make sense of it all, some things started becoming clear.  A couple of things actually.  Could it be that in order to move on to the things God has for us there are some things He knows will hold us back if we don't deal with them?  Like I was saying in the beginning, sometimes in the name of moving forward and trying to make peace, we just kind of put some things away we would rather not think about and think we won't have to mess with them anymore.  But could it be that some of those things become a deep root we don't even recognize or know about until we start feeling things or having trouble overcoming things and don't know why.  And I know most of you that would read this have experienced great freedom and deliverance in your life, and that God has redeemed a lot of you and you know it.  So what I'm talking about is a higher, deeper level.  Subtle things deep inside that can be exposed and now healed as new layers are pulled back.  We're going places we've never gone before, people.  So that means God is taking us deeper than He's ever taken us.  Dealing with things we couldn't handle before.  But now we can.  And we will.

That was the first place I was going with the looking back to move forward.  (I know you're thinking- the first?  This is really long... sorry) That's something God has been speaking to me for a while and I knew I wanted to write about it.  But the twofold part came tonight.  Who are we taking with us as we move forward?  Before I couldn't and didn't look back.  Now I am miles and miles ahead (only because of the Lord), and I stopped for just a moment to look behind me tonight and my heart broke in a million pieces at the people who were behind me, trying to get where I am but not knowing how.  Missing that one little connector to jump start them down the path. I believe that God wants to use me to help redeem things from that part of my life.  And people from that part of my life.  Because I might be the one God is using to put in their path just like someone did for me when I was wondering around.  The hard part about that is that it's inconvenient.  I can't just put on my Christmas music and get lost in my own little bliss.  Or just enjoy this Christmas with me and mine knowing that people I care about are alone, hurting, and needing someone to extend some grace, love, and compassion their way.  God has been so good to me, but let's face it- I'm being selfish if I just enjoy that all of the time without reaching out and risk being a little uncomfortable and inconvenienced.  I think that for so much of my life there was turmoil that now I go out of my way sometimes to keep the peace and joy we are blessed to know as a family.  To be comfortable.  To guard it. (and I should to some extent)  And I believe God lets you do that for a season, especially when you are being healed and restored.  To just enjoy.  And don't get me wrong.  I still will enjoy every moment of my life.  Joy and peace have nothing to do with the emotions I'm working through and circumstances around me.  That is deep in my spirit and is giving me strength daily.  But I just know inside God is calling me to a higher kind of love.  One that reaches out a little more than I have been lately.  A love that reaches higher than the frustration or inconvenience I might feel if I allow myself to dive into this situation.  Because I might be the one God plans to use for a beautiful story of redemption and love.  You might be the one.  And sometimes there is no plan B.  There are no praying parents, grannies, or anybody else.  Because apart from Him, unfortunately , we are destined to default to our earthly genetics and whatever was passed down and modeled for us.  And for some of us that is not a pretty picture.  And some people don't have the hope it could be any other way.  But isn't that the heart of the Christmas story?  Hope came to the world.  So that you and I don't ever have to be the same.  And we can be strong and secure enough to now reach out and give that same message of hope to others.  

Well, sorry that was so long.  I was kind of all over the place and probably didn't even do justice to what is exploding in my heart tonight.  As you can tell there is a lot swimming around in my head.  God is striking a deep chord in me that is poignantly beautiful.  But thank you for letting me get it out and work through it.   I take back my apology, actually.  I know how God works.  When I am going through something there's always someone else out there relating to me or needing the same challenge.  So He uses even my verboseness and long trail of words.   Even if you don't leave any comment love for me, my prayer tonight is that the spirit of what God is doing will reach out to you through the computer and speak to you at some level.  He knows what He is doing, even when I don't.  (know what I'm saying or doing)  As I leave you, take this link below to the song I was talking about.  For some reason, I can't link a music file, but I can link a video.  So I found the song on YouTube that someone randomly put some pictures to.  Pretty song.  He is faithful. Blessings on you tonight, dear, dear friends.  Much love to ya.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy Birthday to Ruth!

And of course she wouldn't have mentioned it in her great post from this morning, but today is Ruth Gregory's birthday!  Send some love her way and let her know how wonderful she is!

And if you missed last week and did not hear, we will not be meeting this Friday.  I know you're sad, but the good news is that we are meeting next Friday and we were originally not meeting then.  We will get one last session in before the holidays.  So keep up the homework... you will have an extra week to catch up on any you've missed so there are no excuses!  We'll continue to be in touch throughout the week.  Hope you're having a  fabulous, peace-ful day.  Love ya


Peace or Pressure?

Of course our BM study is awesome this week as usual!   

Job 22:21 - Acquaint now yourself with Him (agree with God and show yourself to be conformed to His will) and be at peace: by that (you shall prosper and great) good shall come to you.

When I don't have peace.......I have pressure! (stress)   Without peace our lives are full of confusion and chaos.  When we allow our minds to wander and think too much about our "stuff", we push ourselves out of peace and into turmoil. (pressure)   We grow anxious and lose our peace when we spend today trying to figure out tomorrow.

We give up too easily. When our feelings quit on us, we quit.  We can feel wrong and still choose what is right.

One simple thing I am learning this past month.......... heard it many times, but now have to walk it out despite feelings that come and go.  This is so profound..... are you ready..........


Everyday we choose , joy or pain, peace or pressure, love or irritability , so the list goes on!

II Thess. 3:16   Now may the Lord of peace HIMSELF grant you His peace (the peace of His kingdom) at ALL times and in ALL ways (under all circumstances and conditions, whatever comes) the Lord be with you all.

One of my favorites songs always ring in my ears:   This is your life.............. are you who you want to be!

Peace out!!!   


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tuesday Top Ten

Well, I didn't really intend on this being a once a week, top ten blog!  Guess that's just how it's worked out the last few weeks since I've been so busy.  So forget about all the deep, insightful things the Lord is speaking to me right now concerning myself and you... it's Tuesday and darn it, I'm going to have a top ten list!  And I feel like being Christmas-y, so it's not going to change your life in the least bit. Unless you needed some holiday inspiration... if that's the case then today is your lucky day.  Actually it might not be ten, but I'll try.  We've been watching a lot of Christmas shows on TV lately, so it got me to thinking about the movies we watch this time every year that make me happy.   I even like the Christmas cartoon episodes that the kids watch.  Although, if they don't have a new Christmas Dora episode this year I might lose it because it's been the same one every single year since Addison was born.  Really- we can't do better than that people?  

Christmas Movies I don't miss:
  1. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (both the original version and the Jim Carrey version)
  2. The Polar Express- I have to admit the first time I saw this movie I thought parts of it were kind of weird, but I still like it.
  3. Elf.  Quickly becoming "classic" status
  4. The Santa Clause (and maybe two and three if they're on)
  5. Home Alone - and this movie gets bonus points for having a really great Christmas soundtrack
  6. All of the claymation movies- just because. I really miss the California Raisins one... that was my favorite one growing up.  (Chris is too technologically advanced to appreciate these :)  
  7. Frosty the Snowman
  8. It's a Wonderful Life - I guess you have to say that one even though I admit, I don't drop whatever I'm doing to make sure I watch it every year
  9. Christmas Vacation  - However, I do drop whatever I'm doing to make sure I watch this at least once every year 
  10. The Nativity Story - last year was my first time to see this movie.  It will now be a tradition every year. Please, please rent this if you have not seen it.  It really might actually change your life.  Or at least how you think about this story and put yourself in their shoes.  

Well, well- that actually was ten.  You might be surprised to see that movies like White Christmas and Miracle on 34th Street didn't make it.  I do love the music in the movie mentioned first.  Truth be told, I really love all shows having to do with Christmas, even the cheesy Hallmark ones and the dumb comedies like Christmas with the Kranks. (is that what it's called?)  Do you have any to add?  Have a holly jolly day.  

Don't forget to choose joy.  

On ya, (if you missed the last session you don't understand that)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tuesday Top Ten (and then some)

(our little advent wreath that will make sense momentarily)

Greetings, friends.  Enjoying a quiet moment this afternoon.  I think I've pretty much decided my kids will have rest time until they're like 16.  It's just better for us all that way.  I cherish that small window of time to catch my breath and if I'm lucky, I'll actually get to sit down for a minute and do things like this.  (wish it could happen every day) 

The Christmas decorations are up- mostly.  The tree has not been adorned with her splendor, but that will come tonight.  And the lights are not up outside.  Oh well.  As you have learned from a previous post, I do love this time of year.  I am planning on making the most of it this year, and part of that involves us participating in advent this year.  I made a nifty little wreath with the candles and stuff, and then I did some research on the meanings of the candles.  I only had a vague recollection of us doing it growing up and it was one of the reasons I wanted to do it.  We were not that religious but we lit those candles every year and had a brief time together and talked about the meanings.  I remember it captivating me as a child and teenager and helped to put my focus on Jesus in the middle of an otherwise me- focused time.   I read about the history of advent, and the Latin meaning of the actual word means "the coming".  So the advent season was all about preparing for the coming of Jesus being born and celebrating it.  (There is a top ten coming out of this, so just hang on).  For those that are unfamiliar with this practice, each candle represents something different every week for the four Sundays leading up to Christmas.  Then you light on on Christmas Eve or day representing Jesus.  

Anyway, the first candle we lit this week stands for hope.  Hope is the first candle because everyone before Jesus was born was hoping and looking for this Messiah that would come and save them.   They were waiting with only the faith in what had been promised to them- a Savior.  Someone to rescue them.  Our hope is quite different.   Hope has already come to the world, and our eyes are on Him.  Our hope lies in the promises He has given to us that love Him.  Our hope is that when things look bad, we know that there is a new day coming.  Because of something that has already taken place on our behalf.  How amazing is that!  Just think for a second.  When darkness was covering the earth and Jesus had not yet came, it must have been so hard to just blindly put your trust and faith in something that was to be.  They didn't even know what or who to look for, just that He would come.  But they didn't even fully understand the fullness of the work Jesus would complete here on earth and through His death.  Guess what.  We do know!  And since we have an understanding of the great price Jesus paid, our hope is in Him.  Our only hope is in Him, because outside of that there is nothing.  And that's where a lot of the world is living.  Oh, I pray that raises compassion in our hearts for those that don't know Him.  What a dark and scary day to be living in if you have no hope.  No security.  No promises to stand on.  No assurance things will get better.  

So, today's top ten list consists of scriptures about our hope.  This of course is just a small sampling of promises and verses that contain the subject of hope, but I don't have all day, people!   I wish the themes coincided with our homework, because we will hit this later on (and joy is the third candle!), but the Word is the Word.  Who couldn't use a dose of hope scriptures today?  When we have hope and are reminded of our hope, we are filled with joy!  

Ten Scriptures on Hope:
  1. Romans 15:13:  I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in Him.  Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.
  2. Psalm 94:19: When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.
  3. Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
  4. Psalm 27:13:  I would have lost heart if I had not believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
  5. Matthew 12:21: And his name will be the hope of all the world.  (love that one)
  6. Psalm 62:5:  Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in Him.
  7. Ephesians 1:18: I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you will understand the confident hope He has given to those He called- His holy people who are His rich and glorious inheritance. (I pray this scripture over you a lot:)  )
  8. Psalm 119:114: You are my refuge and my shield; your word is my source of hope.
  9. Romans 15:4:   Such things were written in the scriptures long ago to teach us.  And the scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God's promises to be fulfilled.
  10. Lamentations 3:21-25:  Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.  I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him."  The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him. 
Honorable Mention:  Psalm 42:5-6

Holy cow, that's a mouthful.  Well, sorry this was so lengthy.  Congratulations for making it to the end.  And since this entry has began my small window has closed and now I have to go because I can't concentrate with all three of our singing snowman playing simultaneously behind me :)   And how awesome was Ruth's post?  Keep em' coming, girl.  Oh, and any of the other 6 authors that felt like putting something on here anytime that would be great.  Keep on keepin' it real, peeps.  Love to ya.


Monday, December 1, 2008

The Joy of the Lord is our Strength

Our homework is about Joy, then this morning while I read in Nehemiah 8,  it was about Joy!
In Nehemiah 8:10, the people were grieved and depressed.  Ezra told them not to be sad and depressed, for the Joy of the Lord is their strength and stronghold.

In Proverbs it tells us that a merry heart does us good and is like a medicine.  

The thing is that Joy is a choice we have to make-----even during trials in our life.   How?   Act joyful, speak joyful things, assume the posture of joy.   Don't FEEL joyful?   Doesn't matter!  
The feelings WILL come after the actions.   Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit that is given to believers, but we must nurture and release it in our lives.  

Satan is interested in stealing the joy in our lives.  If he can sadden us------ he can weaken us. 
Don't let him!!  Each day is a gift from God and He wants us to enjoy it fully!

Personally on Thanksgiving, I cried that morning at the thought of Sam not being with us.  It was short!  Mark and I made the decision that morning,  to act joyful, speak joy, and assume a joyful posture........ for us,  Doris and our kids.  It worked!   We had a very joyful day!    We had to release the joy of the Lord in our family.

Be happy and rejoice on purpose!  Satan comes to steal from us, but Jesus came that we may have and enjoy life in abundance. (John 10:10)
