Job 22:21 - Acquaint now yourself with Him (agree with God and show yourself to be conformed to His will) and be at peace: by that (you shall prosper and great) good shall come to you.
When I don't have peace.......I have pressure! (stress) Without peace our lives are full of confusion and chaos. When we allow our minds to wander and think too much about our "stuff", we push ourselves out of peace and into turmoil. (pressure) We grow anxious and lose our peace when we spend today trying to figure out tomorrow.
We give up too easily. When our feelings quit on us, we quit. We can feel wrong and still choose what is right.
One simple thing I am learning this past month.......... heard it many times, but now have to walk it out despite feelings that come and go. This is so profound..... are you ready..........
Everyday we choose , joy or pain, peace or pressure, love or irritability , so the list goes on!
II Thess. 3:16 Now may the Lord of peace HIMSELF grant you His peace (the peace of His kingdom) at ALL times and in ALL ways (under all circumstances and conditions, whatever comes) the Lord be with you all.
One of my favorites songs always ring in my ears: This is your life.............. are you who you want to be!
Peace out!!!
Thanks Ruth! And so savvy of you to post on Facebook, too! I thought about doing the same thing. Keep the words of wisdom and experience coming.