Hey guys. Robbye wrote this post while I was out of town and this is my first chance to throw it on there. Thanks for being so awesome, Robbye!
it is 11:36p.m. and i have put 5 of my seven grandkids to bed and dusti for the last time of 2008..................we had a wonderful time and drank our sparkling grape drink and had popcorn...............i too want so much more of God this year than ever before................i had a sobering thing happen to me while being off from school this two weeks...........( i can't believe it is almost time to go back ) i have never been one of those moms that wants school to hurry and start back...i love being with my kids and family........and friends......anyway....i had been out of the Word for about 5 or 6 days.....only.........and wow...the feelings, thoughts, actions of a time long ago......crept back in....dusti and i were fighting, which we never do.....terry and i......which we never do.......wow.........no more of that....then the one thing message from pastor jimmy........girls........the enemy is alive and well and wants nothing more than to destroy our families, marriages, and lives..............i will not let that happen on my watch............but don't be deceived this coming new year as it is about to be upon each of us......we have got to stand firm and strong more than ever before..........it is a choice every day whom we will serve...............God or the devil or self........it is usually self...which of course makes the devil happy...........let's not make him happy this 2009 year.....i have seen more marriages fall apart before my very eyes this year and it so saddens me.............accountability girls..........always want that.........it is crucial in surviving and being victorious in this life.........i am determined to be victorious..........i have an awesome marriage............but i can't think for one minute that i don't have to fight to keep what i have..........fight with the word and keeping myself submitted unto the Lord in all areas of my life.....am i perfect, certainly not.......but i am looking to the prize in this race of mine called life.......run to the finish with me girls and you will taste and see that the Lord is good............no matter what the circumstance is that we will find ourselves in this year.....................i will choose life......in my actions and words and deeds.....blessings upon blessings to my wonderful chrysalis group of girls.......i have experienced God and life in a whole new way with you girls and am so thankful for it .................hope this wasn't too heavy, but don't want to see any more train wrecks with the ones that i love so dearly..........get ready to grow like you never dreamed...........i am...................come along with me....i love each one of you very much and happy new year............................
top ten for robbye benningfield
1. i have the most amazing grandkids (yes i am prejudice)
2. my dad is recovering quite nicely and is home........
3. each year liz, jessica, and i do something special just the three of us and we included dusti this year................special times ahead for us 4...so, so thankful for my girls
4. my husband.................i love him soooo much........yall just have no idea where the Lord has brought us...........truly amazing....i am getting all happy and giddy just thinking about him..............
5. my mom...........she is my hero..........truly the psalms 31 woman.....i am not kidding..............she is so awesome................what a treasure my girls and i have to watch right in front of our eyes...........
6. my pastor...........always challenging me to grow and want more of God........i so appreciate his waiting upon the Lord in what he wants for His church....
7. kacee.............how God so knit our hearts together in the silliest way....at a meeting one day.............and we knew.............we just knew....it was truly one of those God moments..........that only He could set up......i praise the Lord for you and bringing us together to share a vision for women to grow and mature in the Lord..................no matter where they are at in life...........thank you kacee for being you................i will never be the same.............what a treasure we all have in kacee pate
8. my boss..................for showing me to never give up no matter what the doctors say..........or family............or friends...........but what does God say for that IS the last and final word..............no matter how she feels..........she is battling cancer and she will get the victory........and she is healed in the name of Jesus...........
9. for starting one more tradition this year at christmas..............dusti and i watched the nativity story............it was amazing.............and we went and looked at christmas lights after her school program............also a new tradition...just she and i.....terry isn't really into that ......and guess what that is trully okay..............
10. for the love of Christ that has gotten me to the end of another year without smelling of smoke...................hoping to leak out more of Him this coming year
HAPPY NEW TO ALL..........................................
AWESOME!! AWESOME!! AWESOME!! Just like you my friend!!