Sunday, January 11, 2009


i was pondering yesterday morning (saturday) after we had our meeting at my house friday night........the Lord started showing me when you find yourself frustrated and people won't do what you told just walked out of peace.................frustration = no are trying to fix things - which in turn there is no walking in peace
being at peace with God is obeying and trusting - not fixing...........OBEY HIM
Then the peace that you walk in is indescribeable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what God has told YOU to do and let His amazing and wonderful peace flood your soul.................and then He will do his work in your circumstances.................girls that IS total trust...resting in trust Him today in all things and enjoy this journey called life.............i am not saying to enjoy your circumstances.............but enjoy that you have a heavenly Father that cares and loves you so much and is going to carry you on thru to the other side.....peace.....................

1 comment:

  1. Horray for Robbye and her first official post! Looking forward to you blessing this space more often!
