Tuesday afternoon the “stinkin thinkin” started and escalated as time went on through Wednesday. I knew better, but never the less, I couldn’t seem to shake it. Life’s pressure was strong, and the lies began to penetrate my mind. But wait! I am the strong one. I am the one that usually helps others through their struggle! I lost my mother when I was 13, I have always been independent! I can handle things just fine!
(Isn’t another word for this thinking........Pride?) Oops! Repent time!
In my weakness, He is strong! I believe God’s strength not only comes through Him, but through others. Spiritual family is essential!! I refuse to let “pettiness” break the bond of my spiritual family. Because of them, my insanity was only a day (and 1/2). The key word is “temporary”. My friends and my wonderful husband spoke the truth, and the truth will set me free. (Isn’t that a verse in the bible?) HA!
Now, back to kingdom business!
The true mark of a leader is being vulnerable to others and allowing their struggles to become a testimony and example for others to follow and ultimately pointing people to Jesus. You're strong!