Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Path of least resistance?

I wrote this last week and posted it on facebook, so some of you may have already read it, but thought I would post here this week since I was out of town and didn't write one.   Love you all!

Boy is it windy today!   I looked out the window this morning to see the trees whipping and swaying back and forth.   The thought popped into my mind,  “this is not going to be an easy walk this morning.”    I knew that there would be moments that I would have a battle with the strong wind.    When my route took me straight south, that strong wind blew right at my face.   I had to struggle and push through, knowing that at the end of the street, I would turn around and go north.   Going north with the wind behind my back, was so easy;  the wind actually pushed me.    One would think, that going the north direction would be the most desired, because it was the easiest.   The strange thing is that I experienced the exact opposite.   Even though the south direction had the most resistance, I found that I felt a greater fulfillment going south, knowing that I had pushed through and accomplished something.   

So this got me thinking.................

Most of the time, when God drops a vision in my heart of something He wants me to accomplish, the resistance starts in my mind.   “I am not good enough”,  “Surely , there is someone more talented than I”,  Someone else could do a better job”.  and so on.

And I am right,  I am not good enough, but God wants that to motivate me and not make me turn back.   God IS good enough and He WILL give me what it takes to fulfill the vision He has given.  If I thought that I was “good enough”, then I would not have to totally depend on God.  He wants me to depend on Him, then push through the resistance.   

Least resistance is an option , avoiding difficulty or unpleasantness; the easiest course of action, but..... is the path of least resistance the one that brings fulfillment?  

Resistance means to fight, stand, struggle.   I can be struggling with something, but still stand and fight.    If I do fight, at the end of the struggle, I have built up strength.    Not that of myself, but knowing that each time God asks me to do something, He will give me what it takes.

I have chosen the “path of least resistance” several times during my 44 years of life.   Looking back, there was not much joy in those times!     I am thankful to have my “fight back” and my joy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh so true! Thank God that those times are what causes us to grow. I don't like the diffucult times but that is where we find out what we are made of! Thankfully God walks us through it all!
