Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Blue "Funk"

Okay my friends,  I don't want this blog to become a "Ruth" blog.   I am writing this one, then waiting until some of you participate.    We all need to hear what God is doing with each other.

I can only imagine that Esther, after finding out the sentence that Haman handed out, must have been in a "funk".    She could either be refined or run.    

The Blue “Funk”

What is going on?  Lately, several of the people in my surroundings and even friends that live far away, have informed me that they are in the “funk”.  This has included me the last few weeks.   I looked up the word , Funk, in the dictionary:  bad mood, the lows, the dumps, the doldrums, the blue funk.  Honestly, I kind of like “the blue funk” part.  That sounds really bad?     So what does all this mean?  Well, here is my very intelligent and honest answer:


But......... I can tell you some of my thoughts the last few weeks.  

I have a choice:  I can be refined or I can run!     O yes, my flesh wants to run, but my spirit tells me that this is something that I need to walk through. 

All I know and know for sure, is that I have GOT to, GOT to, GOT to, seek God with all my heart.   My flesh is NOT tough enough to withstand alone.   

I Peter 1:6-7 - In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.   (7) These have come so that your faith-of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.

Everyone knows the saying:  When the going gets tough..... the tough get going.

I don’t know about this......I am not very tough!   I am changing it for me:   When the going gets tough......  the tough get seeking!

Even though I try to seek God always, it really is more intense during “the funk”.     I told a friend of mine on the phone last night, that “the funk” is kind of fun.    I know that statement is really strange.   It is not fun going through it, but the fun part comes after walking through it.   Then I can look back and see how God is refining me, how my life view is changing, how I have gotten rid of some “junk” in my life, how I am treating my family and friends better....... and the list goes on.

I am going to face my funk head on!   I can’t wait to see what comes out of it!



  1. Well, this is obviously something God is up to here... I was going to post about something similar, but now I don't have to because you said it! Just can't wait to see what God is about to do, cause I know it's coming... thanks for your encouragement!!

  2. P.S. I'm okay with the "Ruth blog"!! Just kidding... I need to get back to it myself. And I'm going to.

  3. The Blue me that sounds like RAIN. I think of this country song..bring on the rain!!! "Tommorows another day and im thirsty anyway so bring on the rain."
    If we never experienced rain would we know what it was could we tell when it was about to rain? That smell that says...Oh its gonna rain! God gives us mountains so we can learn to climb!!! God gives us rain so we can rejoice in what it provides for our lives. Beauty! Just like the water Rain provides to us on earth, the life that springs up after the does the understanding and growth come after THE BLUE FUNK. "This to will pass"
    I hope this all makes the same sense that it does in my head. lol ...and I look forward to seeing everyone Friday night!
