Okay... God won't let me wait to write another blog! But I still desire you all to share on here.
On the intelligence scale, I fall in the average range. My freshman year in college, I almost failed out. I won’t get into the sob story of why, but the main reason was because no one taught me how to organize my time and study. I remember my meeting with my counselor, who told me that “college was not for everyone,” and how I needed to take another path. Because of the “fear of failure”, I came extremely close to following through with that counsel. That time in life, my determination won over! I began to learn how to organize and study. My first report card as a sophomore was one B and the rest A’s.
(rabbit trail) Mark and I laugh about my graduation day. We were all sitting in a line waiting for our name to be called. I believe that everyone on my row had magna, summa, or just plan cum laude before their name. Then they came to just plan ole me, Ruth Lewis. HA! It really was funny.
Have I always been this determined? No Way! I have walked in the “fear of failure” in the past , more times than not.
As a follower of Christ, I am called to a risky business. God is teaching me to take “risks of faith”; to let go of the “fear of failure”. When I do fail, I want to learn and be determined to do what it takes to succeed in what God asks of me. It is time for me to stop “playing it safe”.
(mono tone) All of us have heard about all the famous people who failed and failed before they became famous. (Edison, Oprah etc.)
Like all the other “life lessons” that I have heard over and over, it must have a collision (impact) with my brain and heart before it gets my attention!
Esther had to go before the King and risk her life in order to save her people.
“Esther did what she needed to do, clearly the will of God, but not as one perfectly collected and confident.” (Beth Moore)
I love this statement! I never feel perfectly collected and confident! I believe that God doesn’t want me to because then I am fully depending on him to work through me.
My job is to let it happen!
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