Some things I'm believing God for in 2009:
- To finally get rid of our debt. (have been working on this forever, we're believing this is our year to put it behind us for good and never get there again)
- To write music (also a long time coming/prophesied, but this is my now time!)
- To have more structure and organization in our home (praise God this is already better, but I want it even better!)
- To be more intentional about discipling my children in the Kingdom ( no, I did not say discipline, but isn't it interesting how close those words to say it takes a lot of discipline to be a good disciple??)
- To have the most amazing marriage on the planet. (I already do, but if we don't work even more, it will not stay the most amazing marriage on the planet)
- To be better at maintaining relationships
- To be better about documenting our life (cause I'm already forgetting what I don't want to forget)
- To have 15 hours of Pilates (to help with the goal of #1, and also to help more people change their life for the better)
- To have a potty trained toddler (this might take more faith than most of the list, but also the closest to coming true! - hey you need at least one that will happen quickly, right?)
- To expand and indulge in my love of the arts more. That includes learning to sew (umm Jenna), do more writing, actually scrapbooking, and many more crafty artsy things. It's who I am, and when I remove that part of me because I don't have time or feel it's not important, I am less of me. Partly the reason I feel #2 is having a hard time. To write music, you actually need to write. Got really sad/ bewildered the other day when I came across multiple journals of poetry and life from years ago. Who is that? Just because I am a mother, wife, and almost 30 does not mean this part of me should cease to exist. In fact I will be better at those things when I am fully alive and connected to who God made me to be, and to carve time out for me to do it. (quite a tangent, but I felt like someone else needed permission to do that, too.)
(Not really a list-making goal, but we are possibly looking to add to our family by the end of next year. No, I'm not pregnant. No, I won't be for a while. As in, a year from now I might be pregnant.)
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The "One Thing" Extended (and top ten)
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tuesday Top Ten #1
- My family is amazing
- My spiritual family is amazing
- My dad is recovering nicely after open heart surgery, that is by far the best gift this year
- I adore my husband after 27 years of marriage... he makes me happy and giddy
- Being able to set up facebook all by myself........ yipeeee
- God has brought me two friends this year that have been right under my nose all these years....His timing is perfect
- God is allowing me to grow, even at the ripe old age of 52..... so glad He is never done with us
- I love that most of my family goes to the same church and we worship together each week
- Realizing peace and joy are a choice......... I choose joy and peace in this holiday season
- I bought the Nativity Story...... movie for Dusti and I to start a tradition
Tuesday Top Ten #2
Monday, December 22, 2008
Just do it!
Just Do It!
It is so ironic how we complicate simple things!
Are you depressed? Ps. 3:3 Oh, Lord, you are a shield for me, my glory, the lifter of my head.
Decide to lift up your head and eyes and look at the possibilities, not the problem.
Just do it!
Are you anxious and worried? Ps. 86:7 In the day of trouble, I will call on You, for you will answer me.
Be anxious for nothing.
Just do it!
Are you compromising? Ps. 119:2 Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are they who keep His testimonies, and who seek, inquire for and of Him and CRAVE him with the whole heart.
Seek Him with all your heart.
Just do it!
Are you Weary? Stir up your courage, muster your strength, rise up with the Truth of God’s Word.
Just do it!
Are you tempted? James 4:7 So be subject to God. Resist the devil (stand firm against him), and he will flee from you.
Just do it!
When you are in the “time of trial” don’t focus on where you are right now ( in the moment). You may be out in the ocean with the storm raging, BUT you will get to the other side! Don’t Jump overboard!
Think and speak about your future in a positive way according to what God has placed in your heart------not according to what you have seen in the past or are seeing now in the present. He has a great future for you.
Believe it and confess it! Just do it!
Am I , myself, pertect at this? NOT! Am I working at it daily? Harder than I ever have in my life. Am I seeing the results ? Absoluetly!
No excuses! Just do it!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Hey, I am just being Real!
More than likely you have heard someone say this or have said it yourself. Innocent enough right!
Definition of Real: not imitation or artifical, genuine
Sounds great? but..........
Definition of Authentic: in a way that faithfully resembles an original
Whoa! Hold it! Do I want to be real or authentic?
Real people say whatever comes to their mind. “Being Real” is according to our own beliefs. It can be different for different people.
Authentic people think before they speak. They resemble the original (Christ).
Will my words encourage someone? (Authentic)
Will I tear someone down under the cover of “just being real”.
As a Christ Follower.............That which comes out of my mouth should be authentic------only that which would resemble Jesus( the original)
Not sure what that is? Start with I Corinthians 13: Love is patient and kind, is not jealous, is not rude, does not insist on its own way, is not touchy, pays no attention to a suffered wrong.
You may Say: “I am just being Real, I don’t know how else to be.”
The answer is: Be authentic!
Just semantics? ........... Perhaps...............Something to think about!
Authentically yours,
PS. This was inspired by one of our last studies (I think Lisa Bevere). This point has always such with me!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Tuesday Top Ten
Things making me happy today:
- Coffee
- The fiber optic snowman in my living room
- The smell of cinnamon
- Being in the new Pilates studio that is so gorgeous
- Thinking about my anniversary tomorrow
- Comfy sweats
- My new pink phone (much cooler than my other pink phone)
- Baby Emma that goes potty that came in the mail today (and the DVD Potty Power, and the book Potty Train Your Child in a Day.... can you tell what is about to go on at my house?)
- It's cold outside
- Harry Connick Jr.'s new Christmas Album (which I am now freely listening to after my sobering day Sunday)
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Looking Back to Move Forward
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Happy Birthday to Ruth!
Peace or Pressure?
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Tuesday Top Ten
Christmas Movies I don't miss:
- How the Grinch Stole Christmas (both the original version and the Jim Carrey version)
- The Polar Express- I have to admit the first time I saw this movie I thought parts of it were kind of weird, but I still like it.
- Elf. Quickly becoming "classic" status
- The Santa Clause (and maybe two and three if they're on)
- Home Alone - and this movie gets bonus points for having a really great Christmas soundtrack
- All of the claymation movies- just because. I really miss the California Raisins one... that was my favorite one growing up. (Chris is too technologically advanced to appreciate these :)
- Frosty the Snowman
- It's a Wonderful Life - I guess you have to say that one even though I admit, I don't drop whatever I'm doing to make sure I watch it every year
- Christmas Vacation - However, I do drop whatever I'm doing to make sure I watch this at least once every year
- The Nativity Story - last year was my first time to see this movie. It will now be a tradition every year. Please, please rent this if you have not seen it. It really might actually change your life. Or at least how you think about this story and put yourself in their shoes.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Tuesday Top Ten (and then some)
Ten Scriptures on Hope:Honorable Mention: Psalm 42:5-6
- Romans 15:13: I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in Him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Psalm 94:19: When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.
- Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
- Psalm 27:13: I would have lost heart if I had not believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
- Matthew 12:21: And his name will be the hope of all the world. (love that one)
- Psalm 62:5: Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in Him.
- Ephesians 1:18: I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you will understand the confident hope He has given to those He called- His holy people who are His rich and glorious inheritance. (I pray this scripture over you a lot:) )
- Psalm 119:114: You are my refuge and my shield; your word is my source of hope.
- Romans 15:4: Such things were written in the scriptures long ago to teach us. And the scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God's promises to be fulfilled.
- Lamentations 3:21-25: Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him." The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him.
Monday, December 1, 2008
The Joy of the Lord is our Strength
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Tuesday Top Ten
Why I love my girls: ( in no particular order)
- You bring coffee and some kind of yummy goodness to my house every other week. (and fun creamers, too)
- You have given Catch Phrase a special place in my heart (you have never played this game until you play it with us)
- Styrofoam peanuts (no need for further comment)
- My house is guaranteed to get a good house cleaning at least every other week because of you.
- There is nothing better than a room full of women getting in the Word together (talk about power!)
- Laughter is medicine, so you help to keep me healthy :)
- When I'm puking my guts out 1) you go and buy groceries for me 2)you decorate and create an entire room, pulling it off beautifully though by the skin of our teeth (and these are two separate occasions of puking)
- I can always count on you for encouragement just when I need it.
- Road trips like Houston (hello Taco Cabana)- gotta have another road trip soon. with everyone.
- And finally the very long, number one reason I love my peeps... With the crazy, chaotic pace of my life, the bottom line is there would be hardly any relationships in my life if it weren't for you. I love the fact that I have a forced, scheduled time of interaction in my life every week. A scheduled time to come and breathe. Crawl through the door and sink into a chair. Drink coffee. Be with friends and grow in the Lord together. Laugh. If it weren't scheduled, it wouldn't be happening. I would like to say that it would, but it wouldn't. I love the fact that I have to be accountable to a bunch of beautiful, fabulous faces that will get in my business if need be. That will check on me if they think something's wrong. That I can hear a story about someone else's kid and feel relieved that I'm not losing my mind and they actually lived to tell about it. And there was a time in my life that it wasn't there and it was a lonely place. The bottom line is that we were created to be in relationship and do life together, and for some reason that becomes a very hard thing for us all to do. Life is busy. Kids are crazy. Things going on. Our own insecurities and relational "funk". And then you look up and you have completely become out of touch with everyone in your life that means something and feel very alone. But this is not me anymore thanks to you.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Finish Well
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tuesday Top Ten
Top Ten Things I love about this time of year: (in no particular order of love)
- Making pumpkin bread and sugar cookies
- Bling and sparkle are appropriate in almost every possible circumstance you can think of (and even glorified- this one goes out to Robbye, my fellow lover of all things bling)
- Waking up cold, therefore having to snuggle under the covers (which magically feel fluffier and comfy-er this time of year)
- Stemming from #3, saving on electric bills so I can actually afford things like Christmas presents and food
- All of the stores decorated and holiday-ish commercials on TV (and the fabulous sales and shopping that follow :)
- Everyone is just nicer this time of year- you can feel it in the air. (maybe it's the Christmas music playing everywhere and people feel bad about being ugly with such pleasant and happy music playing)
- Christmas music playing everywhere, including my house and car- come check out my collection sometime... it's impressive
- More hot drinks which means I get to use my extensive and lovely collection of mugs (and usually add a few to it)
- Putting up Christmas decorations- you name it, I love it- tree, singing snowman, stockings, and lights, lights and more lights.... there is a sparkle about Christmas lights that is just magical and makes you feel all warm inside (I always threaten every year to leave them up all year and some usually wonder if I'm serious when it's February and they're still up)
- Being with my family and thinking about fond childhood memories. More recently, creating new memories and traditions with our own family and seeing our children fall in love with the season as well
Friday, November 14, 2008
Lillianna Jaylynne
I just thought yall might like to see some adorable pics I took of Lillianna last night. She is precious and as you can see very cute. Keep Amy in your prayers, as many of you know how it is after having a baby, she if very tired. She is excited but needs some rest also.
I hope to see yall tonight if I can find a sitter for the kids. I dont think Juston is going to be home in time for me to get there. Have a blessed rest of the day and hope to see you later.

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Where my party people at?
Archive to Older Posts
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I'm sure most of you got this in an e-mail, but for those of you that times.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
This video is hilarious
Let's Try Again...
I am pondering a lot of things this morning. One I was snippy snappy with Jessica last night because she told me she wasn't coming to church. I was tired and not yielded at that moment to what the Spirit wanted me to do.... so that put me in the position of judging and the carnal man. I have asked the Lord to forgive me and Jessica. Ladies hear my heart.... when we read Galatians 6.... face it I was not gentle or humble to encourage her to come to church. The enemy wants Jessica BUT let me make it very clear that is not going to happen. She came as most of you know and wasn't the service amazing.... there is not condemnation but for sure conviction lest we put ourselves in that position because we might face that very thing and need someone to encourage us to come to church and see what God has for us. Be on guard. This is work, hard work. There is a cost and the rewards are amazing... we will not lack any good thing when we yield to the Lord and His work and purpose in our lives... I encourage each one of you to read once again the whole chapter of Galatians 6....... meditate on this..... I love each one of you so very much and have an amazing day on purpose
I want you to know that we have the best spiritual family ever!! You all are awesome!!I wanted to write a note because I am not able to answer all the calls during the day.The Gregory family is doing just fine! Last night, during church, while you all were praying, we were having a family meeting Doris finally came to the acceptance that it is time for Sam to go. We felt the prayer.It may be today or may be tomorrow, but we are anxious for Sam to do his freedom dance with Jesus. (you would have had to be in my mind during my walk this morning to see that) It's during these difficult times that we really see God's goodness and glory.As you pray for us today, please pray the Glory of God will fall on that room when Sam's spirit goes to heaven. That the pain will turn to joy! God will give Doris His great comfort! That her grieving will be short and she will live the rest of her life full and joyful as Sam would desire her to.Next week is party week. First we will celebrate (party) the life of one of the most awesome men ever to live. Asher's birthday is Monday the 10th. Next Saturday the 15th, we are giving her a birthday blow out in the youth room. Everyone who wants to come is invited. Even if you don't like the Jonas Brothers, because we will play a Jonas concert on the big screen.Anyway, we love you all dearly. Our love for our church body is growing daily!If you can imagine feeling heavy grief along with comfort and joy, full of faith, only our God can provide feelings like that.GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME, AND ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD.