Monday, July 27, 2009
"Still" time
Monday, July 13, 2009
Have you breathed today?
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Don't Get Caught Lacking - part 2
Romans 10:17 Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
I have been reading in II Kings about King Josiah. He became King when he was 8 years old and reigned 31 years. When he was 16 years old, he began to seek the Lord. When he was 20, he began to purge his kingdom of idols. When he was 26, he was working to repair the house of the Lord, so he sent some men to the house to gather the money collected from the people for the repairs. When they entered the house of the Lord and started digging around, they found the book of the law. (their bible) It had been discarded by past Kings obviously considered unimportant.
In Deut. 17:19-20, (talking about the book of the Law) “It shall be with him and he shall read it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the Lord his God, by carefully observing all the words of the law and these statutes, 20. that his heart may not be lifted up above his countrymen, to the right or the left, so that he and his sons may continue long in his kingdom in the midst of Isreal.”
Josiah had the book of law read to him and his eyes where opened.
Oh, that the same thing would happen in our time! The very book that God has given us to guide us through life, would be important in our homes and personal lives.
Yet, so often is set on a shelf to gather dust, as we try to maneuver through life without the “map.” Every answer we need is in God’s word, although at times, we try to figure out the answers in our own mind.
Josiah was spared from God’s wrath because he did what was “right in the sight of the Lord.”
Wonder why we struggle so much with reading and studying the bible? There is an enemy that knows this very thing. He will do anything to distract us from the very book that gives us life.
It is essential for our walk as Christ Followers!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
my hope is in the Lord
now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen
it is impossible to please without faith
But for right now, until that completeness, we have three things to do to lead us toward that consummation: Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love.
have a hopeful and glorious day!!!!!!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Don't Get Caught Lacking
It is a HOT morning! I just walked into my house from my morning walk feeling thankful for the cool air. Earlier this morning, as I rolled out of bed before everyone else in the house, I grabbed my coffee and bible which is my routine. For about a month now, my routine has been just-exactly-that......routine! Sometimes I read my bible and the words jump out. I get an excited feeling kind of like butterflies in the stomach! I know God is speaking to me through His word.
For about a month now, I have struggled to “feel” anything as I read. This morning I was reading in Hosea 4, when verse 6 made that long awaited jump!
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge,
Because you have rejected knowledge,
I also will reject you from being My priest,
Since you have forgotten the law of your God,
I also will forget your children.
I know this is Old Testament and that God is speaking to the sons of Israel, but I believe the words of the Prophet Hosea can speak to us today.
Having a passion for God’s word and “feeling it” is the best thing ever! What about the times I don’t feel it? During times of trials and struggle (which is inevitable),will I lay The Word down and wallow in self pity? Honestly, I have been there lately.
I was reminded this morning of a very profound fact of life. This thing is so simple, yet at times I can make it complicated. Take the living word, as God has given us, to guide us through life, read it, gain knowledge of the truth inside, which in turn will keep me from being “destroyed for lack of knowledge.”
I chose to do this whether I feel it or not!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I just want you to know that I haven't ditched the blog! Hey, "shift happens"! I only said that because I can't say the other! HA! At this moment I am sitting at my sister's computer in Oklahoma City. She is at work today, so I am alone. (Well, not really, Seth is here) There is nothing like being pampered by my older sissy! God is good. He is so in love with me and I with Him. No matter what is going on at any given time in our life, He is right there with us. I am experiencing a "shift" in my life that I have no control over. I am so happy that God knows and He controls what happens. Sometimes thing happen and we are not sure why, but once we walk through and get to the other side, we can then be able to help others. I am overwhelmed with thankfulness to be a child of the living and active God!
I am reading a book, "Think and Make it Happen". Rice Brooks told us about this book, while we were in Nashville. I started it a couple of months ago, but haven't had the time to really dive into it. My one goal during this restful week in Oklahoma , is to finish this book. (It is so nice to have just one goal!, at least for a few days) God's timing is always perfect! I need this book at this precise moment in my life. A quote: "A correctly thinking mind understands that the goal with our emotions is to manage them as best we can by directing their significant power to achieve positive ends. The remarkable mind will also make sure the conscious "self" remains in charge rather than being ruled by emotions."
We have control over our thoughts. Do we take control? So may times a thought will make itself known in our mind, we immediately grab it, feed it, then it grows into a monster!
I truly believe that every circumstance, even the toughest, can be looked at with a positive mind. This book states: "The fact that Jesus withstood the pressures brought upon him is evidence that he was the captain of his own thoughts."
We can only learn by doing, therefore, when a negative thought jumps into my mind, I desire to
take control and not let that "thought" control me. This book is a meaty book written by a very intellegent person. I don't know how I will ever get through it and remember everything. One chapter can be overwhelming with a wealth of information. Well, better get back to reading.
Love you all.... Have a wonderful week! Ruth
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Connections that count!
Quote: Disconnect people can never be whole. Vulnerable and painful though it may be, a community of people whose lives are tied together by the tender strings of the heart is life the way God meant it to be lived. Beth Moore
This quote from our homework leaped off the page and put a knot on my head!
So this got me thinking............
It is the “vulnerable and painful” part that keep people from connecting. Most of us understand that side of it. It is inevitable that once you do connect to people, the potential for pain is there because of our human side. This blog is about the flip side.
What would cause a community of people (friends) to walk together with minimal pain?
Can it be accomplished? I personally believe it can!
John 15:13 Comes to mind: Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.
Outside the thought, that I would lay down my physical life for someone, is the following thought. Will I lay down my life in the sense of, my desires, my preferences, my very self, for a friend?
Laying down myself means “myself” doesn’t matter. I will be unoffendable (is that a word?), nonjudgmental, honest and trustworthy. I can love friends for who they are, flaws and all. I can be truly joyful if they receive things that I don’t have, if they have more or less then I do. The jealousy monster cannot rise up. Remember I am laying MY life down!
Can you imagine a community of people who “lay down their life for each other”? I can!
Can you imagine the impact it would make for the world looking in trying to find something authentic? I can! I believe it can happen.
Last thought: If you look at the verses above John 15:13, you see foremost, I must be connected to Jesus (the vine) which will cause me to bear much fruit. I must obey His commands which will cause me to remain in His love. Vs. 12 says: Love each other as I have loved you. Connection with Jesus, IS the prerequisite to connection with people. There is no way around it!
Only when these words leave the pages of the bible and enter into our hearts as revelation, will we be able to experience connection the way God intended.
I am up for the challenge! Will you join me?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Really good thought
The Myth of the Gifted Child
“Your sons are so gifted.”
I’ve heard it a thousand times…
- at William's elementary school piano recitals - “wow, he has a musical gift” (no, he’s practiced every day, since he was 5)
- at James' tennis tournaments – “I wish my son could hit a forehand like that” (try training 7 days a week, for a few of years)
- when people see Jonathan's paintings - “he obviously has a special gift for art” (you should have seen his "art" before we hired an art teacher to mentor him)
Yea, we have gifted kids – they were gifted with a mother who wouldn’t allow them to waste time doing nothing. And they were gifted with a father who was on a 10-year anti-TV, anti-video game kick during their formative years. That’s why they spent countless hours reading, listening to music and developing killer kick-serves.
My sons were also gifted with mentors/coaches/teachers who helped them discover and develop a few of the skills and talents that God hid in them.
Gifts are free. Talents are costly; they must be discovered and developed.
But sadly, most talent is never discovered, never developed. It is simply wasted while staring at a screen. Tragic.
What are you doing to develop your gifts and talents?
What are you doing to help develop your kid's gifts and talents?
(i'll never forget the tennis tournament when the father of a kid my son had just destroyed turned to me and said: "i bet you paid a lot of money for his forehand." that father understood where the gift/talent came from - dad's checkbook. he was right, and it was worth every dollar/peso.)Link to Steve's awesome blog : I don't know where all of the little lines are coming from- they don't show up until it posts and I don't know how to get rid of them! Sorry, kind of annoying!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Rapid Repentance
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Risky Business "The Sequel"
My mind has been on a marathon for a week now. I have been “wrecked” by God: meaning a collision is happening with my heart and mind. There have been several bouts of “baby crying” and nights of sleeplessness. What exactly is it? Well, I am not sure yet, but wanted to share some random thoughts going through my very active brain this week. Maybe after you read them, you can share what you know. I need to hear it!
It all started with our Esther study at a point that I have heard since I was a kid. Esther entered the presence of the King, uninvited, which could mean death. Her words leaped out of the page and started the collision. “If I perish, I perish. She took a “risk of faith,” not knowing the outcome. For lack of typing space, I will not go through all the stories in the bible where people took “risks of faith” without knowing the outcome.
Have you ever heard the saying “Faith is like going down stairs only seeing the next step.” What if you can’t see the next step? What if all you see if darkness? You take the next step, despite the fact, for all you know, there’s nothing to step onto.
True faith is not about the step; it’s about the One telling you to take the next step.
I step out of the boat knowing that if God doesn’t allow me to walk on water, I will drown. I face the giant knowing that if God doesn’t give me His strength and power, I will die.
Great risk takers operate in faith in spite of their fear. They experience God’s favor -- not because they’re better, smarter, were raised in a Christian home, know the bible, and have no baggage. If these were the requirements for “God’s favor,” most of the bible heroes would have been disqualified. Fear of failure is what stops “risk taking.” Because of the gift of choice, what if God uses failure as a tool to mold us? We see failure as a “self condemnation” tool. “See, I knew it would fail.”“Nothing ever works out for me.” etc. Failure should cause us to stop and consider, “What changes do I need to make in order to succeed?” Taking “risk of faith” will absolutely stop any Pride from creeping in my heart, because it HAS to be all God and NONE of me.
It is not just humans taking a “risk”. God works with us, uses us, as imperfect as we are, to carry out His purposes. Now that is risky business.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Break Free of the Funk!! (The Blue Funk Part Two)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Risky Business
Okay... God won't let me wait to write another blog! But I still desire you all to share on here.
On the intelligence scale, I fall in the average range. My freshman year in college, I almost failed out. I won’t get into the sob story of why, but the main reason was because no one taught me how to organize my time and study. I remember my meeting with my counselor, who told me that “college was not for everyone,” and how I needed to take another path. Because of the “fear of failure”, I came extremely close to following through with that counsel. That time in life, my determination won over! I began to learn how to organize and study. My first report card as a sophomore was one B and the rest A’s.
(rabbit trail) Mark and I laugh about my graduation day. We were all sitting in a line waiting for our name to be called. I believe that everyone on my row had magna, summa, or just plan cum laude before their name. Then they came to just plan ole me, Ruth Lewis. HA! It really was funny.
Have I always been this determined? No Way! I have walked in the “fear of failure” in the past , more times than not.
As a follower of Christ, I am called to a risky business. God is teaching me to take “risks of faith”; to let go of the “fear of failure”. When I do fail, I want to learn and be determined to do what it takes to succeed in what God asks of me. It is time for me to stop “playing it safe”.
(mono tone) All of us have heard about all the famous people who failed and failed before they became famous. (Edison, Oprah etc.)
Like all the other “life lessons” that I have heard over and over, it must have a collision (impact) with my brain and heart before it gets my attention!
Esther had to go before the King and risk her life in order to save her people.
“Esther did what she needed to do, clearly the will of God, but not as one perfectly collected and confident.” (Beth Moore)
I love this statement! I never feel perfectly collected and confident! I believe that God doesn’t want me to because then I am fully depending on him to work through me.
My job is to let it happen!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The Blue "Funk"
The Blue “Funk”
What is going on? Lately, several of the people in my surroundings and even friends that live far away, have informed me that they are in the “funk”. This has included me the last few weeks. I looked up the word , Funk, in the dictionary: bad mood, the lows, the dumps, the doldrums, the blue funk. Honestly, I kind of like “the blue funk” part. That sounds really bad? So what does all this mean? Well, here is my very intelligent and honest answer:
But......... I can tell you some of my thoughts the last few weeks.
I have a choice: I can be refined or I can run! O yes, my flesh wants to run, but my spirit tells me that this is something that I need to walk through.
All I know and know for sure, is that I have GOT to, GOT to, GOT to, seek God with all my heart. My flesh is NOT tough enough to withstand alone.
I Peter 1:6-7 - In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. (7) These have come so that your faith-of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.
Everyone knows the saying: When the going gets tough..... the tough get going.
I don’t know about this......I am not very tough! I am changing it for me: When the going gets tough...... the tough get seeking!
Even though I try to seek God always, it really is more intense during “the funk”. I told a friend of mine on the phone last night, that “the funk” is kind of fun. I know that statement is really strange. It is not fun going through it, but the fun part comes after walking through it. Then I can look back and see how God is refining me, how my life view is changing, how I have gotten rid of some “junk” in my life, how I am treating my family and friends better....... and the list goes on.
I am going to face my funk head on! I can’t wait to see what comes out of it!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Remove and Replace
I wish things where different. Why does it seem that nothing works out for me? I try so hard, but nothing changes. Why are some people so blessed with “things” and we have to struggles to make it? I have desires and goals, but I just don’t have what it takes to carry them out. I have always just been ordinary. If I could just be thin and pretty.......... those women have it good. I don’t have a life, I am just with my kids all day. (In other words ...... I can’t do every selfish thing that I want to)
Okay! I will stop before you think I have lost it!! Truthfully, this was the thinking that I had developed a couple of years back.
Ephesians 4:22-24 - You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds: 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
This verse sounds to me like I have to take action, it’s not going to just happen.
Because of God’s awesome power to change, and His incredible love for me........ I am changing my attitude towards life. No more attitude on what has been, but what could be!
Everyday I have to take negative thoughts captive, remove them purposely, and replace them with truth.
I will become what I think.
My surrounding haven’t changed much........ but my thinking is changing everyday. Do I still struggle? Absolutely! Just yesterday, those old thoughts started to creep in, I immediately recognized the “yuck”, refocused my eyes on God. (Who does everything in me and with me anyway) In a few minutes, my mind (thinking) was renewed.
I am so incredible blessed, not with “things”, but with family. (Physical and spiritual family) Our pastor teaches us to have the “get to” not the “got to”. I get to be me!
There is no other me in the world. You get to be you! There is no other you in the world.
What is on your mind?
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Ruth's ramblings on this weeks homework.
When Esther and a number of other women were taken from their homes and brought to the King’s home, there must of been several emotions present among the women. I have tried to imagine what went on. The bible is not detailed, so I have been thinking according to my knowledge of women and my experience of being one, for 44 years now.
Here are my thoughts: Most of the women probably started out with fear of the unknown. Others my have been excited to be in the King’s home. The women eventually became comfortable in their surroundings after all the pampering and attention. Then the drama began! As the beauty treatments when on day after day, they probably began to compare themselves to each other. Who is the most beautiful? Who has the prettiest skin? Who has the prettiest clothes and jewelry? and so on. Now come on, let’s get real, it still goes on with women today!
This has caused me to examine my heart and my actions: We as women compare ourselves to each other. Our looks, our possessions, our jobs, our clothes, our jewelry , and the list goes on. Okay, so we already know this, let’s take it to a deeper thinking level. Comparison can causes jealousy, resentment toward someone, and other negative emotions that can cloud the truth of the God’s word. (our map for life) Why do you think that, even as Christian women, that we withdraw from each other, we let “pettiness” hold us back from our purpose. We allow petty thoughts to keep us from true friendships that last.
Esther was a woman of true character. She didn’t play these games with the other women. She actually had good manners. She treated the others with respect. She didn’t put herself above them. Her character is what brought her favor with Hegai and then the king. “Gaining kindness is something she was doing, rather than something being done to her.” She simply was kind to the others no matter how they acted. "Not trying" to get to the top and be the "most popular" is the very thing that gained her favor.
This week I am checking my heart: Do I have any bitterness or unforgivingness toward anyone? Am I holding some petty thought in my heart towards someone, that is causing me to hold back? Are my eyes on myself so much that I don’t see others?
Lord change ME!
I Cor. 13
God has to place his children and scatter us all over the world, in all areas, so we can make a difference. ( rich, poor, middle class, home, work, “good side of town”, “bad side of town” etc. ) God has placed you where he needs you.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
It's been a long time, but (Tuesday Top Ten)
Ten Things I love and will miss about Jessica Morrison:
- Never have I met someone who only liked to eat like three things. I think I will think of you every time we plan food for functions...
- The huge Jessica Morrison smile. You know the one.
- Thinking that she's so much better than me at Catch Phrase (that's cute, really)
- Although we will still have enough attitude to fill the room, I will definitely miss the sassiness.
- Love how you took your little troop under your wing and discipled them by providing such a great example.
- Even though you have walked through your share of "stuff" in the time we've walked with you, you have remained positive and have not doubted God or His goodness (even if you had your struggles with it, you remained strong).
- Your faithfulness to our life group and consistency (except of course that you're leaving...)
- Seeing you serving so faithfully in our church (ain't nobody pass that bucket like you, girl!)
- You know you will think about us every time you ever happen to be in a Taco Cabana again (and I you :) )
- Probably one of the things I will miss the most.... your laugh. It's contagious, it's big, and it's fabulous.
Live and see!
Friday, March 20, 2009
My day ( and 1/2) of temporary insanity
Tuesday afternoon the “stinkin thinkin” started and escalated as time went on through Wednesday. I knew better, but never the less, I couldn’t seem to shake it. Life’s pressure was strong, and the lies began to penetrate my mind. But wait! I am the strong one. I am the one that usually helps others through their struggle! I lost my mother when I was 13, I have always been independent! I can handle things just fine!
(Isn’t another word for this thinking........Pride?) Oops! Repent time!
In my weakness, He is strong! I believe God’s strength not only comes through Him, but through others. Spiritual family is essential!! I refuse to let “pettiness” break the bond of my spiritual family. Because of them, my insanity was only a day (and 1/2). The key word is “temporary”. My friends and my wonderful husband spoke the truth, and the truth will set me free. (Isn’t that a verse in the bible?) HA!
Now, back to kingdom business!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Blog from Robbye
I got to thinking about psalm 23 in v. 5 how He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies: Thou hast anointed my head with oil; my cup overflows - i am seeing my full plate of troubles in front of me for all to see, especially the devil, and i will choose to walk this out victoriously becase my cup overflows with all His promises - which as i walk goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all of my days and my dwelling place will be with Him. what does that look like - at the 1st of the scripture it begins by saying (v.1) because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need! in another translation (V.5) reads that You provide delicious food for me in the presence of my enemies - i am seeing "delicious" as His promises to be able to walk thru these trials - because the choice is made to walk thru all these messes - I can do it because of His promisese and He helps me do what honors Him the most. what do you believe today - is your plate full of delicious promises - each one covering everything you are going thru - it's like each mess is on your plate and God covers each one with a special sacue ( his promises for each mess) which makes it look is all in your prespective on your plate full of troubles? cover it with God's special sauce (His promises)........and taste and see that the Lord is good!!!!!!!!!!!!! have an amazing day on purpose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love, robbye
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The Path of least resistance?
Boy is it windy today! I looked out the window this morning to see the trees whipping and swaying back and forth. The thought popped into my mind, “this is not going to be an easy walk this morning.” I knew that there would be moments that I would have a battle with the strong wind. When my route took me straight south, that strong wind blew right at my face. I had to struggle and push through, knowing that at the end of the street, I would turn around and go north. Going north with the wind behind my back, was so easy; the wind actually pushed me. One would think, that going the north direction would be the most desired, because it was the easiest. The strange thing is that I experienced the exact opposite. Even though the south direction had the most resistance, I found that I felt a greater fulfillment going south, knowing that I had pushed through and accomplished something.
So this got me thinking.................
Most of the time, when God drops a vision in my heart of something He wants me to accomplish, the resistance starts in my mind. “I am not good enough”, “Surely , there is someone more talented than I”, Someone else could do a better job”. and so on.
And I am right, I am not good enough, but God wants that to motivate me and not make me turn back. God IS good enough and He WILL give me what it takes to fulfill the vision He has given. If I thought that I was “good enough”, then I would not have to totally depend on God. He wants me to depend on Him, then push through the resistance.
Least resistance is an option , avoiding difficulty or unpleasantness; the easiest course of action, but..... is the path of least resistance the one that brings fulfillment?
Resistance means to fight, stand, struggle. I can be struggling with something, but still stand and fight. If I do fight, at the end of the struggle, I have built up strength. Not that of myself, but knowing that each time God asks me to do something, He will give me what it takes.
I have chosen the “path of least resistance” several times during my 44 years of life. Looking back, there was not much joy in those times! I am thankful to have my “fight back” and my joy!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Check, check, check it out!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
What do you expect?
I have had this blog in the making for a few weeks, but had a hard time finishing it. Expectations are such a touchy subject. We need to have some expectations, but unmet expectations can destroy relationships. Where is the balance?
So it got me thinking..............
Why do we get disappointed in people?
Why do we often run instead of stick things out?
Why do we get disappointed when “some person” can’t fix us? (our problems)
When our heart hurts because of unmet expectations that we have placed on someone, we desire our “hurt heart” to heal ASAP! No one likes to hurt. Then, we can begin to live out of that hurt. We pursue harder and harder “expecting” someone will help us. When that doesn’t happen, we are disappointed in that person, begin to pursue another, and/or run! The cycle can be unending.
So what is the alternative? Seek God above all else, give Him your hurt (no really, give it to Him and don’t take it back), and give Him time to heal the wound. In the mean time, keep walking in love and service to others. Don’t put expectations on others that will only lead to disappointment. God never meant for someone other then Himself to “fix us”. He is a jealous God. He wants all of us, depending on Him!
There is only one that will always meet our expectations as long as they line up with His word. God.
I expect Him to walk through my hurt with me, because He said He would. I must seek Him before “a person” and give Him TIME to heal me. In our impatience , we seek out people to fix us, only to be disappointed, because God wants us to come to Him.
Don’t hear what I am NOT saying. We need each other! We need to encourage each other as we walk out life. God asks us to love each other, not fix each other; Not be disappointed because our expectations of each other are not met.
When you look at others, see what God values in them, not the things that need to be fixed. That is God’s job! Give him time to work, while we have grace!
Our job: Seek God always, at all times! (good and hard times) When we hurt, take some extra time, run to him, sit in a quiet place, spend time with Him and in His word. Put your Ipod in your ear filled with praise. Give your wound time to heal, knowing that God is doing the complete healing. Then continue to walk in love with people as the healing takes place.
As we all know.........It’s a choice!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Love me please........
Love me please.............
We all want to be loved! Some will try everything and anything to be loved. Some crave love from a certain person (a spouse, friend etc.) so badly , they try to force it to happen. If it doesn’t happen , then they are hurt. The more that person tries , out of that hurt, the more unlovable they become.
What makes us loveable?
So this got me thinking....................... Which again, brought me back to I Cor. 13.
I know, I know, this chapter again! But please........ Think about it! When we truly get this , off the pages into our hearts, can you imagine what God could do with the body of Christ!?
God knew that love had to be the most important thing. That’s why He said it! He knew that our personalities would clash, and could potentially destroy.
As we learned through this study; God has made all of us unique, with our own personality, perfectly crafted for what He needs. Psalms 139
I believe that walking in the I Cor. 13 kind of love, is exactly what makes us loveable.
Then why is this so hard? That is the very question I am seeking God about.
Because when we GET this, nothing can break the unity of the body.
The only thing I know for sure, is what I Cor. 13 says: So here....... read it again and place your name in the blanks:
_______ is patient and kind: _______does not envy or boast: _______ is not arrogant or rude: _______ does not insist on its own way: _______ is not irritable or resentful:
______ does not rejoice at wrongdoing: _______ rejoices with the truth: ______ bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Really! Meditate on this.......... I am! I must!